Resch Lab

I am Senior Lecturer (MER I) and Head of the laboratory of bacteriophages at the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV). I’m also serving as a Principal Investigator for the NCCR Microbiomes ( I have been working in the field of the development of new antimicrobials since 20 years, with a peculiar interest in original pathogen-specific strategies. These should be more respectful than conventional antibiotics both for the patient, because they do not destroy his or her commensal microbiomes, and for the environment because they do not select for global antibiotic resistance. Two of these approaches include bacteriophage therapy (or phage therapy), and phage-lysin therapy.

Contact details

Dr. Grégory Resch, PhD.
Head of the laboratory of bacteriophages
Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV)
Center for Research and Innovation in Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences (CRISP)
Pavillon 4
Office N°P4/01/115
Avenue de Beaumont
CH-1011 Lausanne, Switzerland